This is it - the roast a nation was built on and famed for, France might be the home of haute cuisine but the French call the English ‘les Rosbifs’ for good reason! Perhaps Henry VIII was served one of these triumphs when in residence at Maydencroft Manor, from an early version of a Longhorn. The rib marries flavoursome, juicy beef, with the marvellous flavour of marbling and fat. The chunky bones conduct heat and even more flavour to produce even cooking and superb eating. Maydencroft fore rib is the ‘quintessential’ Great British Roast according to John Torode, who described it as ‘wonderful and absolutely extraordinary’ – no arguments from us!
Dramatic to look at, this is one of the most imposing roasts to serve for a dinner party, or for a big Sunday lunch. We always get enquiries about our rib joints from people looking for something impressive for Christmas; a true luxury and it is certainly tastier than turkey. It can be quite a daunting prospect to cook, because of the fear of over or under cooking, but it is of course entirely worth the effort and quite straightforward with the right guidance. We recommend getting a good quality meat thermometer for cooking any of our beef roasting joints, but it would be particularly helpful with a large Rib joint.
There only is one way to serve this; traditionally, with enormous puffed up Yorkshires, and gallons of gravy. After visiting Maydencroft Manor, native breeds farm, chef John Torode roasted a Maydencroft Rib joint for a cookery programme for the BBC. We wouldn’t dare to question the instructions of a pro, so his ‘Slow Roast Rib of Beef with Mustard Crust’ recipe and cooking guidelines are overleaf and you can watch him on the link on our website and follow his guidance.