Simon Jarratt

Farm Assistant

Simon has always loved animals and decided to attend university, where he read Zoo Biology. While at Nottingham Trent, he went on a placement year on a diverse farm with cattle, sheep, chickens, goats and small rodents. Working there, he focused on farming and producing healthy local food. He undertook his dissertation looking into the effect of ‘chicken tractors’ on the health of chickens' feet compared to standard free range. Working to improve the environment and welfare of our food has become Simon’s passion. This is developing in his role at Maydencroft with our conversation grazing, where we are currently developing and maintaining pasture ecosystems with our native breed livestock with our English Longhorn cattle and Hebridean sheep.

In his spare time, Simon likes to build or make anything from furniture to little wooden creatures to woodcarving. Simon also likes to stay active, and climbing and running are big parts of his life.
