Traditionally the name of a recipe, Châteaubriand now usually refers to the ‘beefy’ end of the whole fillet - ignore the pun! This consists of conjoined muscles which make very generous, buttery-soft fillet steaks. Critics of the average fillet steak (believe it or not, there are some!) say that it can have less flavour than other cuts, and there is a grain of truth in that - as tender cuts that have been ‘worked’ less, generally have a more delicate taste. However, Longhorn cattle are never average.
As a pasture fed, heritage breed they naturally have magnificent flavour. As Heston Blumenthal puts it: “The Longhorn has it all for me – marvellous moisture and juiciness, alongside a firm but giving texture”. Factor in the longer maturing age of up to 30 months for the Maydencroft Manor herd, their varied diet and the dry-aging and hanging process of 28 days and there’s no doubt that our Châteaubriand is packed with flavour.
There probably isn’t much need for us to describe how best to serve a fillet steak, just make sure its cooked perfectly pink, lightly seasoned and well rested in a warm place, then serve it with your favourite steak sauce (béarnaise is about perfect). It’s also delicious roasted as a joint and then sliced over a rocket and parmesan salad, with a classic lemon, herb and garlic Tagliata dressing.